About Dreams
Dream Interpretation
“Because the owl sees in the dark, it represents our intuitive sense which ‘sees’ into our unconscious.”
Do you have repetitive or scary dreams? Do you dream often and wonder why? Do wish to remember your dreams better? Do you wish to learn how to start interpreting your own dreams? If so, you have come to the right place! With 30 years of experience in dream interpretation I would love to help you!
Dreams are gateways to yourself! A dream is your unconscious mind talking to you in pictures. It does this because a picture can say a thousand words and is actually more efficient in many ways in transferring information than speech is. The unconscious mind is a sponge that absorbs all the feelings and experiences you have ever had, so it knows you like no one else can. It is also one of your most receptive aspects, making it a great way for your own spirits, angels, and guides to contact and get information to you. Dreams can seem disjointed, odd, nonsensical, and sometimes disturbing. All of it is information for your highest and best good.
We can discuss your dreams in person or over the phone or online. A recording of the conversation will be emailed to you the same day.
For more information on dreams continue scrolling down the page.
Why do we dream?
We dream for a multitude of reasons.
Dreams give parts of ourselves that we don’t pay much conscious attention to a place to be seen and heard.
Dreams can be a pressure release valve for the mind when we are in stressful circumstances.
Dreams can foretell of future events, though that is rare.
Dreams can be a meeting place for you and deceased loved ones, guides and angels. Since our mind moves into a more receptive state when we sleep, it makes it easier for beings from the other side to come through.
Dreams can show us answers to problems that we have been stewing over in our mind. Our unconscious minds are unbelievably vast and capable of solving problems for us while our conscious mind works on other things.
Dreams can chart our progress and show us how we have changed and grown.
Dreams connect us to the collective consciousness of humanity.
Dreams can inspire us and connect us to our creativity.
Dreams can make us aware of unconscious fears, beliefs, and behavior patterns that are affecting our daily life without our realizing it.
Dreams can make us aware of forgotten parts of ourselves that have been denied expression. Forgotten passions, hidden talents, and other aspects of who we are can be denied in childhood due to family or cultural beliefs. Those parts of us are never destroyed, but they do go underground. In dreams they have the chance to make themselves known again, giving us the opportunity to reclaim our power.
Dreams can show us how we are abusing ourselves or others. This gives us a chance to change and be better people.
Dreams can improve our relationships by showing us how we are relating to others in ways we are not consciously aware of.
Dreams can make us aware of old traumas that need attention and help us resolve those traumas.
Dreams are great teachers and healers if we pay attention to them.
What do we do with our dreams?
too time consuming use the dictation feature on your phone or computer to record them. This is especially helpful if you wake up in the middle of the night and want to get your dream recorded quickly so you can go back to sleep. Then you can print them to work on them at your leisure. The more you record your dreams the more dreams you will remember. When you write down your dreams it strengthens the connection between your unconscious and conscious mind. Like exercising a muscle, the more you use it, the stronger it gets.
The number one rule of working with your dreams is to record them! Write them down! If hand writing it all down is
are hand writing your dream in a notebook, write on every other line. If you are typing or dictating a dream, use double spacing. This gives you space to work with your dream when you are interpreting it later.
When you record your dream leave space to make notes. If you
Helpful Tip:
Step two in dream processing is find a dream interpretation book you are comfortable with. Choose it because you like it. Choose it because it feels good to you. Choose it because it comfortable to use. It will help you make sense of your dreams until you understand your unconscious mind better. Eventually you will need the book less and less as you learn the unique way your unconscious speaks to you.
(This book has faithfully served for the past 30 years.)
They indicate an important aspect of your dream that you need to pay particular attention too.
Look for recurring themes, images, phrases, or words in your dream.
Helpful Tip:
Nightmares and Recurring Dreams
Pay attention to the feelings you had in the dream as well as the images. Feelings are energy and information. They are just as important as the visible parts of the dream.
Helpful Tip:
Nightmares are like really good friends who have the courage to tell you the truth even if it hurts. Nightmares serve different purposes. They are your unconscious mind’s way of knocking hard to get your attention about something important. They are a way to help you process fears that you are consciously unaware of or are unwilling to look at in waking life. They are a way to release stress that cannot find a satisfying outlet.
They are a way of helping you process and make sense of trauma. Nightmares, in essence are a healing process. That is why they can be one of the best things that ever happens to you. Pulling apart and processing a nightmare is like being given a fast pass to healing and awareness. They are incredibly valuable even though they are uncomfortable.
Recurring dreams can feel like being on a Ferris wheel, going around and around but getting nowhere. Recurring dreams are another way the unconscious mind uses to make you aware of something important that needs your attention. It is being the metaphorical squeaky wheel and will keep repeating itself until it is understood or the situation it represents is resolved.
Recurring dreams about traumatic events are your mind’s way of making sense of the trauma and healing from it. They are a good way of showing you aspects of that trauma that still need to be dealt with. They often have guidance built in about how to help resolve it.
If a dream is overwhelming and seems impossible to process, walk away from it for awhile. Come back to it later when you feel more calm. If that doesn’t work, get help! Dream interpreters and councilors are good places to seek an outside perspective. Sometimes you can’t see the forest for the trees. Dreams should not negatively affect your sleep patterns or your daily life. If they do, seek assistance!