Definition: Communication between
this world and the spirit world
“You are seen from above and shine like the stars of heaven. Be mindful of who you are.”
Mediumship is communication between us and beings in the spirit world. That definition covers a lot of territory because there are many beings in spirit, including but not limited to deceased loved ones (including pets), angels, Archangels, Spirit Guides, Ascended Masters (Jesus, Buddah, Kuan Yin, Mohammed, etc.), Animal Totems (a type of animal Spirit Guide), nature guardian angels (fairies, gnomes, elementals, etc.), and many more. A medium is someone who communicates with beings in spirit.
Please Note: It’s important to me that you get what you need out of a session. I will do my best to connect you to your deceased loved one or Spirit Guides, but there is no guarantee about who will show up for your session. We set our intention for the session and Spirit does the rest.
I am here to help you connect with your sprititual helpers and deceased loved ones with the intention that you find peace, clarity, comfort, and resolution for your highest good and the highest good of all.
Get in touch with your personal Spirit Guides and loved ones in the spirit world to help you understand your life path, overcome obstacles, and achieve personal growth. You can choose a 30 minute session or a 60 minute session if you feel you need a more in depth reading.
Spirit guide channeling & Mediumship readingS
Duration: 30-60 minutes
Price: $75-$150
After you book your session an email will be sent to you with your appointment details. There will be a Zoom link you can click on the day and time of your appointment that will connect you or if you prefer a to have your session via phone, a phone number will also be provided. Just call the number at the time of your appointment.
When you schedule your session you will have the opportunity to specify who you would like to contact in the spirit world (Spirit Guides, family, friends, etc.)
We will talk about your intention for the session and I will answer any questions you may have. Then I will tune in to the people in spirit who came to visit with you. The conversation will go on from there. You can ask questions if you have any. The session can be recorded and a copy emailed to you. Thank you for trusting me with your loved ones.