Quantum Touch
Feeling stuck in a rut? Does your body need a boost? Do you need to unwind and gain some perspective? Allow me to share with you this powerful energy healing modality that supports your body’s natural healing abilities, clears energetic blocks, helps release trapped emotions, can help relieve pain, and promotes a sense of peace and wellbeing. Quantum Touch works with your body’s natural Life Force Energy, also known as “qui” or “prana”, to assist your body in balancing itself. Since energy does not know space or time, it works just as well long distance as it does in person.
There is the added bonus of messages that come through from your spiritual guides during the session. Any messages or impressions will be shared with you at the end of the session and a recording of the messages will be emailed to you the same day.
For a more in depth look into Quantum Touch please visit the official Quantum Touch website by clicking the link.
Animals and quantum Touch
Animals are a gift. They are companions, friends, teachers, protectors, and joy generators. They can also suffer from the same life traumas and ailments as people do. Quantum Touch is such a profoundly excellent way to help take care of our furry, scaly, feathery adventure buddies. It can help relieve pain, help release trauma, shed light on behavior issues, and help their bodies balance and heal themselves no matter the species. Energy can transcend all barriers and animals are incredibly receptive to it. Animals tend to be skittish and tense when taken out of their normal environment, or when strangers are brought into their home when they are not feeling well. This makes long distance healing even more valuable since your pet can feel comfortable and safe while receiving wonderful energy at the same time.
“If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans. ”
Ways to keep your energy flowing and your body going
First and foremost, BE GOOD TO YOURSELF! Talk to yourself with kindness. Treat yourself with compassion. Treat yourself as you would treat your best friend or your child. We are often harder on ourselves than we are on others. Use your treatment of the people you love most in your life as a measuring stick to help you gauge how well you are treating yourself.
MOVE! Your body and mind are ‘use it or lose it’ commodities. If you aren’t using it, it will fade on you. It is not necessary to run marathons, but it is necessary to walk, stretch, dance, play, move in pleasant and joyful ways every day. Better yet, move and try something new at the same time. That will keep your body and mind in tone.
MEDITATE AND HAVE QUIET TIME EVERY DAY - Taking a small block of time every day to be still and just ‘be’ instead of ‘do’ for awhile is like breathing - it is a necessary component of living. It can be for 5 minutes, 10 minutes or an hour. Any time spent doing this is valuable. The important part is just doing it. It’s like having an important meeting with yourself every day to relax, to feel, or to observe your internal mind chatter to see what is going on inside. Lock yourself in the bathroom for 5 minutes if you have to, just take the time to be with yourself. It is one of the most effective healing tools in your self-care tool belt.
BE GRATEFUL! Gratitude is like magic sauce. It makes everything better because what we focus on is what we get. Our attention is like the sun. What we focus on is what grows. If we shine our attention on the flowers in our life we will attract more flowers. If we shine our attention on the weeds in our life, we will attract more weeds. When we focus on what we are grateful for, it attracts to us more things to be grateful for!
DEAL WITH UNPROCESSED TRAUMAS. Don’t let them linger and fester. The older you get the louder those shelved traumas scream for attention. They do not go away. They do not fade into the background. Time does not heal all wounds. If you do not deal with it, it will deal with you and take the only route left to it - through your body. Unprocessed traumas can manifest in illness in many different ways. Don’t let it get to that point. Councilors and therapists are the best. Spiritual Coaching and energy work can help, but it is good to note: SPIRITUAL COACHING AND ENERGY WORK ARE NOT SUBSTITUTES FOR PROFESSIONAL COUNSELING OR MEDICAL CARE. Spiritual coaching and energy work can be good compliments to counseling though.
ENJOY SOME ENERGY WORK Energy modalities like Quantum Touch can free up energy in the body and get it moving again. In the process it can help release trapped emotions and trauma, yet still leave you feeling peaceful after. It can help make you aware of patterns in your thinking that are affecting your body. And it can just make you feel relaxed, peaceful, and renewed.