A destination is good motivation to start a journey, but the best stuff comes from the journey itself. When that fact is acknowledged, it seems like the destination moves toward us in leaps and bounds because we now understand the whole point of the exercise. It is about the journey and who we are becoming while we travel it.
Helping you on your journey
This is a safe, non-judegemental space to discuss anything you desire during an appointment. Often just saying things out loud and uncensored can help you gain perspective and answers. I will use energy manifesting knowledge gained from my own experiences to help you and also gain information and insight from your Spirit Guides.
It is my privilege to help you find your own answers and provide tools to help replace self-sabotaging patterns, uncover forgotten talents, live with energy sensing gifts, rekindle your passion, and remind you of the unique presence and light that only you can share with the rest of the world. If you choose, the session can be recorded and emailed to you the same day.
Note: Spiritual Coaching is not a replacement for professional counseling, therapy, or medical care.
To learn more about Spiritual coaching or psychic senses scroll down
There are a lot of places you could be. Conquering a career mountain and you have almost made it to the top. Stuck in a sand trap with no handy tree branches or ropes in sight. Painstakingly navigating the uncharted waters of a new relationship. Racing on a life roundabout like a hamster on a wheel, looking for an exit. Recovering after a particularly rough patch of trail that has left you tired and bruised. Basking in the sunshine of your accomplishments wondering where to go next. Snuggled by a fire waiting for the snows to melt so you can hit the trail again. Stumbling through the trees looking for help.
Wherever you find yourself, know there is treasure to be found there. A dragon sized challenge might be sitting on the treasure, but there is treasure nonetheless. Dragons are often used as symbols to represent challenge or difficulty. Yet, wherever they are laired, valuable gifts are to be found. That is why dragons also represent power.
Challenge and difficulty are gateways to our own power. It is by navigating through them that we find personal treasure that enables us to grow, to know our own value, to gain confidence, to find inspiration, and to be greater than we thought we could be. Treasure like that is only gained by running into dragons. No dragon, no challenge = no treasure.
Good thing you are the hero of your own story! Any dragons that come your way, you are built to handle. Though there are always times in the story where the hero feels lost and needs to be reminded of who they are and of what they are capable. Sometimes a new skill needs to be learned or a perspective shifted before traveling on. This is where life coaching comes in.
We are what we think
Our minds are the great steering wheels of our life. Where we focus our attention is where we go. This makes the quality of our thoughts very powerful and important.
Our minds are running all the time. Even when we sleep we dream. Positive thoughts, negative thoughts, happy thoughts, sad thoughts, angry thoughts, a myriad of different thoughts are coursing through us in a narrative that we believe and follow. It is the quality of this narrative that shapes our personal energy.
“The quality of the energy you project is the quality of the energy you receive.”
We are all connected to each other and the world around us by energy. Each of us literally generates our own personal energy field that is measurable. Our thoughts and feelings project out into the world through that energy field. This creates a vibration. We each have our own personal vibration and we attract people and experiences that resonate with our vibration.
If we have life experiences that we dislike or would like to change, but despite our best efforts we just keep repeating the same pattern or attracting the same type of people, it means we are resonating at a frequency that is attracting those things. We keep making the same choices without recognizing it, because we don’t understand that it is the quality of our thoughts and intentions (conscious and unconscious) that are running the show.
If we want to change our energy we have to examine our feelings and thought patterns. What we believe about ourselves and our lives matters profoundly and sets us up for success or sabotages us.
This life coaching approach is based on these principles. I can help you identify patterns of thought and belief that you may not realize you are carrying. Catching those thought patterns and replacing them with something more in alignment with your best intentions for yourself, can change your life. Change your thoughts, change your vibration, and it changes your life experiences.
How we think influences our health
Thoughts and feelings affect your energy and create a vibration. Your body is like a tuning fork that helps conduct that vibration. As energy flows through your body it moves through channels called meridians, just like your blood flows through veins and arteries. There are also energetic gathering points called chakras. These chakras spin and help move the energy. Chakras can be wide open and closed down. Meridians can flow freely or become sluggish and blocked in response to stress, trauma, fear, and our beliefs.
Since our thoughts affect our energy and our energy affects our body, what we think has a direct impact on our body. Like a sculptor molding clay, or a river carving out a canyon over time, a tightly held belief can begin to change your body for better or ill. If strong emotions are backing that belief, then the effect is even stronger.
These are the 7 main chakras of the body with their names in Sanskrit and English. There are smaller chakras throughout the body that are not shown in this image.
Can you see how important it is to think well of yourself? Can you see how important it is to address unprocessed trauma so that it doesn’t find an outlet in the body as illness? Can you see how loving thoughts and self-talk can literally be healing? We physically are what we think.
Did you know you are psychic?
We are all connected. Energy moves to and through us all the time like the air we breathe. Like the air it is invisible to the naked eye, but it touches us all. This is how we connect whether we realize it or not. We have all been given senses to navigate this energy environment. These are often considered “extra” senses and are usually referred to as ESP, “extra sensory perception” or psychic gifts. Psychics are usually considered as unusual. They are seen as an outlier of the human population, which is a false perception. EVERYONE HAS THE CAPACITY AND ABILITY TO SENSE ENERGY. IT IS YOUR BIRTHRIGHT. Some of us just sense it more strongly than others, like some people smell better or see better than others.
Culture also has a huge role in how we use or shut down our energy senses. Since connection through energy is the basis of our psychic gifts, that greater connection gives us greater insight into the motivations and lives of others. Children are naturally gregarious and have no cultural filter. That can put them in situations that cause distress for their family when they blurt out uncomfortable information that they have picked up through energy. This causes distress for them when their elders get upset about it. For a kid that is a scary experience. The more it happens, the more a child wrongfully learns to doubt their own senses.
The longer a child doubts their own senses the more a child doubts themselves. This is a dangerous state to live in. Our number one strength when navigating the unknown in the world is our own ability to listen to and trust our inner senses and sense of self. It does not matter how acute our senses are if we are taught not to pay attention to them.
Misunderstandings about what psychic information is, due to a lack of understanding of how energy works, have also caused fear and repression of energy senses. Use of energy senses has been labeled as ‘wrong’, ‘evil’, ‘of the devil’, ‘black magic’, ‘immoral’, and a bunch of other uncomplimentary and false things. Psychic senses are like any other ability. Their morality is based on the intent of the user. A hand can be used to heal or hurt someone. It is the will behind the hand, not the hand itself that is the cause of the outcome. The hand is just a hand.
The 6 Clairs: The 6 energy senses
The 6 clairs are clairsentience, claircognizance, clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairalience, and clairgustance. ‘Clair’ comes from the latin root ‘clarus’ meaning “light, bright, clear”. The 6 clairs are mirrors of our other senses. One or two senses are usually more dominant in each person than the others, but it is entirely possible to have and experience all of the clairs at one time or another. All of the clairs have the capacity to feel the presence of angels, spirits, fairies (nature angels), and spirit guides.
Clairsentience means “clear feeling”. People who are clairsentient get psychic information through emotions, feelings, and sensations in their body. They are also referred to as empaths. Clairsentients can experience the emotions and feeling states of others. Sometimes they can feel events before they happen.
Claircognizance or “clear knowing” means getting psychic information through knowing. Claircognizance causes information to pop into a person’s mind without them knowing where it came from. It usually comes with a feeling of calm certainty. Even if the information is distressing it comes through without drama or fear.
Clairvoyance means “clear seeing”. This is the most well known and common of the clairs. Clairvoyance happens when a person sees energy. This can be perceived with their physical eyes or their mind’s eye. There are different types of seeing. Some people see the personal energy aura of others. Some see spirits, angels, and spirit guides. Some can see events unfold from the past, present, or future. Some can see how energy moves in the body. Or they see all of the above.
Clairaudience or “clear hearing” is the experience of hearing psychic energy. The most common type of clairaudience is the ability of a person to hear angels, spirits, or spirit guides with their physical ears. Some people hear music with no apparent source, but it has meaning for them.
Clairalience means “clear smelling”. People who are clairalient gain psychic information via smell. To someone who is clairalient a negative situation may literally smell bad. Clairalients perceive smells with no apparent source. The most common experience of clairalience is when a deceased loved one makes their presence known by leaving behind a scent they are known by like perfume or cigarette smoke.
Clairgustance means “clear tasting”. People who are clairgustant experience psychic energy through taste. The phrase “leaves a bitter taste in your mouth” can be a real thing for these clairs. Clairgustants experience tastes that have no apparent cause in response to energetic stimuli. For example a clairgustant may taste apple pie when being visited by a deceased grandmother that they associate with that taste.
Living life with the clairs is an experience in connection. It is a celebration of life! If you would like to get to know your personal clairs better I can help. Sometimes the clairs can feel overwhelming and disorienting. If this is true for you, I can help you understand your senses better and give you tools to navigate the world as the sensitive super hero that you are! Your gentle resonance is powerful and needed in the world! Bring it out and let it shine, shine, shine!